Design Star. Are you watching?

I missed it last Monday night, so I just saw that episode over the weekend.  Can you believe Cathy?!?!?!?  sheesh!!  Do the judges not SEE the parts of the show that we, the viewers see???  She argues with whomever she is partnered with and mows them over like a bulldozer. 

 Her bit today with “Oh wow, well that’s the FIRST I’ve heard of that!” when the judges called her team on the OVER STYLING (piling crap on every possible surface in the entire room!!) when her Carl tried to say SHE took over all the styling.  “I’ve got this.!”  she told him every time he attempted to get involved in the placement of stuff.  And told him to go back to his tiling.  She wouldn’t LET him be involved with styling and yet wanted him to take responsibility for it at judging???   I do NOT like people like that!!

And she WON the camera challenge, so she’s going to be even WORSE this week!!!  Have mercy.

And what’ up with Kelly?!?!?  Very forcibly insisting that she and Mark put tile on the backsplash.  Mark arguing that he didn’t think they’d have time, and Kelly PROMISING that the tile WOULD get done.  Then leaving it all to Mark AND crying when he tells her he HAS to scrap the other side due to time constraints.  These are supposed to be grown ups here!  And have then not watched other seasons in which I think EVERY SINGLE season had a major mess up involving tiling in the kitchen??? 

It’s almost more worth watching as a COMEDY than anything else anymore.  It has NEVER been as good as the first season.  First season I had David picked out from the get go.  Since then, it seems they are all egotistical buffoons who each stumble upon ONE grand idea to win a challenge and in the end it’s a total toss up as to who will win!  Might better be titled ‘Design DUD’!

Are you watching this season?  What do you think?

Published in: on August 15, 2011 at 5:25 pm  Comments (3)  
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