
I’m not sure HOW or WHY I got so ‘into’old picture frames, but I do love them; and use them in lots of different ways in the store.  (and always sell a lot of them!)  Old frames are plentiful at garage sales, and very inexpensive when the glass and/or backing are missing.   Just check to make sure the corners are still in good shape and tightly connected.  Old brown frames are my favorite color to re-paint.  A light sanding, (unless there is a lot of ornate work!)  topped with a coat of black paint, then another light sanding to distress it a bit and you have a wonderful looking frame.   For frames that have a lot of ornate detail on them, I use flat black spray paint.

In this picture you can see the distressing close up.

I love how assorted sizes of frames look displayed in a group.  Here I’ve set them on top of an old trunk.  They would look wonderful set atop a fireplace mantle.

I also like them lined up on a wall shelf!

Black seems to be the most neutral color for repainting frames, and what sells the most in our store.  But, colors can be fun too.  Couldn’t resist doing a few for the shabby beach cottage section in the store!  The bulkier white frame and two toned turquoise/blue one setting on the table were made by Michael out of some vintage moulding.

In this next little vignette, the frame sort of frames out the whole display.

Just a couple of frames on this shelf gave the display the height variance I needed.

Sometimes I hang a frame within a frame with something else framed in the middle.  This old door was the perfect backdrop for such a display.

Or make a wall hung shelf display really stand out by framing it with a great big frame.

And when I ran out of wall space and needed something to just prop all my misc frames and mirrors in, this old sturdy doll bed (HEAVY 2×6 construction!  I can barely lift the thing!)  was perfect! 

Happy framing to all!