‘Day’cation inspiration

Michael and I really need a VAcation, but for now a ‘day’cation was about all we could squeeze into the schedule.  An overnight stay in Long Beach, Washington; just to get away and relax.

Michael forgot to pack a jacket or sweatshirt.  I forgot to pack my hairbrush and it RAINED all day!  Oh well.  We did some sight-seeing from the car, and visited lots of little antique and thrift shops.  More pics to come in a later post, but HERE is my favorite sight from the trip:

How stinkin’ CUTE are all these little red rain boots filled with plants?!?!?

Unfortunately the shop was closed for the day.  A handwritten noted explained their child was participating in the county fair.

With this much creativity showing outside, I can only imagine the fun displays we missed!

And now I am ‘on a mission’ to find LOTS of one color of rainboots so I can replicate this idea for next spring.  Maybe yellow boots filled with purple pansies?

I wish I’d looked a little closer at the boots.   Wondering if they really were all red to begin with, OR if they had been painted red with the new vinyl spray paint???    They ARE all the exact same shade of red, after all.  Any of you tried the new vinyl spray paints on rubber rainboots???