Spring break project marathon progress report

Kitty Spike is as miffed at this nasty spring weather as we are!  Michael is working injured, so progress has not been as monumental as I had hoped, but PROGRESS none the less!

Michael’s OWIE!  He tripped and scraped his leg (where the redder scrape is) on a wood stake falling all the way over.  Doctor said he very nearly BROKE his ankle!  The lower part of the bruising (which goes clear through to the other side of his ankle!)  didn’t show up until a couple of days later.  He’s still recovering from hurting his back after slipping on some ice in January.  I swear I need to dress him in a PADDED SUIT!

We actually STARTED and COMPLETED this sweet little ‘pampered pet bed’ today.  Lots of the creative folks over on the HGTV trash to treasure message board have been making bigger pet beds out of the backs of chairs.  (sized to fit a standard bed pillow for the mattress)  Michael must have a dozen chairs squirreled away, so it was time to embark upon some chair projects! 

 As I was studying the chair and figuring out where to make the ‘cut’, it occurred to me that we just might be able to make a smaller bed (for a kitty or tiny dog) out of the leg structure.  So, this is what we did:

Here’s the thrift store chair we started with.

Michael cut all four legs off here; right up at the base of the seat.

We removed the cleats from the bottom of the legs because we were going to use it upside down.  We can add the cleats back to what will be the new bottom when we are done.

Support slats added for the pillow, and a couple to create a headboard.

I dug through my box on assorted hardware and found two of these knobs in different shades and thought they’d work as finials on the headboard posts.  Michael attached them to the wrong end of the bed by mistake.  So I did some more digging and found some bigger wood finials to attach to the head posts.

I painted the whole thing flat black (spray paint) and added a 14×14 pillow.  TaDa!!!

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  1. Yikes! Purple chairs!

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