MORE boxes?!?!?!?

I arrived at the store a bit before 10.  Called in to one company to report a few damaged items from an order that arrived last week.  Made ‘coming soon’ signs to put in the windows and on the door; and put flyers with the new store info in a pocket on the door.


Then I started painting.  After painting the back and one side wall, I moved the bins of product that needs to go home to storage (for fall shows) to a spot right by the door so I had more working room to start unpacking the boxes that arrived the day before. 

Uh-oh!!!  I hear the UPS truck in the parking lot!  Maybe he’s delivering to someone else today.  But he stops right in front of my store.  I pop out and he tells me he has NINETEEN more boxes for me today!!  It took him a few minutes to compile them all and I dashed inside and pulled a table forward to the spot where the bins were earlier to make room  for the delivery.

Oh dear!  Oh my!!!  And I also had a car full of stuff to bring in!

It seemed like a good idea at the time!  It was looking like Michael was not going to be able to bring the trailer full of stuff to the store until Sunday.  So, I decided to take what I could (small stuff that didn’t stack well in the trailer) to the store each day to make room in the trailer for the other big stuff that is in a storage shed. 

Alas, just after UPS left, Michael called to tell me he was done for the day.  Did I want him to go ahead and bring the trailer now???  ACK!!!  I had been bugging him to bring it as soon as possible.  But then I wasn’t expecting all these orders to arrive until next week.  I probably should have had him wait, but I didn’t.

So, that’s 19 more boxes, one car load and one trailer load of stuff!

So much for being organized!!!  Good thing I have a month to straighten all this out!

Published in: on June 28, 2007 at 8:55 am  Comments (3)  

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3 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. After all that you are doing, how did you have time to post, passed up, how clever and the one about the animla rescue? What color are you painting?

  2. I’m leaving it the same color. Just touching up after I fill in all the nail holes.


  3. I don’t get notified when you respond. But I came back and read your responses. It’s all looking good.

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