Speaking of gold . . .

Didn’t I JUST say that I didn’t really like gold and show you some gold frames that I was repainting?!?!?  I still don’t like gold, but occasionally I find gold items that I like, regardless of the color.

P1100958These cherub busts with a gold rim that I used as handles on some make-do cloches were such items.  As well as the vintage perfume bottle.


I came across this rusty tin lid that used to top a paper mache box (that got wet and ruined) whilst sorting through some boxes of old craft supplies.  Couldn’t think of anything to do with it ‘at the moment’, so it went in my ‘think about it pile’.  The rule is (my own personal rule for getting rid of stuff!) if I can’t come up with a way to use it before my next trip to the thrift store, that it has to go in the donate box.  The gold candle pillar was in the ‘TAIP” as well.  My first thought on the pillar was to paint it white,  I can ALWAYS use white pillars.  And in fact just recently painted several of them white and took them to Stars.

P1130058Here are a few pictures of what I DO with the white pillars in my display.  These items are all priced separately; the shoes, the cloche and the pillar.  If someone wants to buy all three and use them just as I have them displayed, Fine!  But more often than not, someone wants ‘just the cloche’ or ‘just the shoes’; and then they have to call me and I have to remember what items they are talking about and divide up the prices and they have to make new price tags for all three items and THEN half the time the customer doesn’t even BUY the item!!  Just TMW!  (too much WORK!) When it can be easily avoided with individual pricing in the first place!

P1130087With this one the nest is permanently attached.

P1120940Here I just sat the jars of glitter eggs atop a couple of the pillars.

P1120803In this little grouping I had placed a small white bird cage atop the pillar.

P1120820On the far right you can see a rusty tin candle lantern atop another one.

P1130141Back to the topic of GOLD stuff.  This wide gold candle stand ended up in the “TAIP” as well.  At the end of the day I was looking at the pile and kind of LIKED how the gold stuff looked together and LOVED how the gold stand looked with the rusty tin lid!

P1130138It just needed a little something more . . . .beaded trim!

P1130142I’m really liking this little pair of  ‘goldies’.  NOW I just have to figure out HOW to work them into my display at Stars!

P1130232I decided to group ALL of the gold stuff together!  I think I forgot to take a close up picture of the gold hurricane.  It was another ‘orphan’ that I came across in my sorting.  Was going to save it for Christmas and put some little bottle brush trees and snow in it.  But since I’m doing a gold group I may as well put ALL the gold stuff out.

P1130235Put it front the center in my booth.  That’s a HUGE wood lazy Susan with an upcycled table on top and the gold stuff grouped together on the table.

P1130231Put a trio of cloches between the legs of the table.

P1130265Tied a key to the handle of this one.  Little touched like this will make your items stand out from the rest.

P1130229As always . .  lots of LAYERS in my display!  Especially at the very FRONT.  The shoppers first impression is what will make them decide whether or not to go INTO your booth and explore further!