Every Husband’s Nightmare Bazaar picture PART II

Sorry I wasn’t able to get all the pictures up this morning.  I was kinda moving in slow motion after being awake coughing and wheezing half the night.  Still not feeling so great.  But here are the rest of the pictures.  There’s LOTS of great vintage wares; especially an abundance of vintage linens.

The show runs through this Saturday at the Washington County Fairgrounds.


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  1. I don’t know how you do it! You are one busy gal! Looks like another great show. Wish we had shows like that here in the spring!!

  2. Thanks for posting pictures of the show. It looks like such fun. It also gives me some great display ideas.

  3. Hey AJ!!!

    Hope you are feeling better…not fun to deal with sickness during a show…been there done that!!!!

    What happened to Sharon (EHNB momma)??? I was surprised to see that there is a new owner. I meant to go to the show…I thought it began today…not ended today!!! dang!!! well, maybe I can get over ther before it closes!!! I bought some of your yummy room spray last time!!!(and some other things,too!!)


  4. what?!!! I am always a day late and a dollar short. Why didn’t I know about this sale? Darn it!

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